Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kenpo X - a new level of hurt

Welcome back everyone,
Thought i would take a moment and post a little something about my adventure with Kenpo X last night. A week or two ago while searching the P90X forums on another web site, I came across a post about Kenpo X. Someone, I can't recall who, said that Kenpo X didn't belong in the P90X program because it didn't have "the X factor", it wasn't hard enough or something to that effect. I replied that if they weren't sweating throughout  that entire workout, they weren't trying hard enough. I also suggested that if they wanted to make it harder or more X-like, simply add some small dumbbells to the workout. So last night i was scheduled to do Kenpo X and lets just say that my " you suggested it, you should try it " alter ego got the better of me and that's exactly what i did. I strapped on 5lb ankle weights and grabbed my small 3 lb dumbbells and pressed play.
OH BOY !! Half way through i had to put those little "puny" 3lb dumbbells down and take the ankle weights off. My arms and legs were DEAD. My form was shaking  all over the place, so i decided to put them down rather than sacrifice the workout. This morning I have new muscle aches, ones that never ached before. The outside of my quads ache. (I didn't know they could.) My arms ache from my forearms to my shoulders. I love these kinds of muscle aches though. It lets me know that I BROUGHT IT !! (or that i havent worked those muscles in a while, either one works for me.) Anyway, tonight is my rest or StretchX day....i will be stretching and working out in the gymnasium (not a gym) doing flips, handsprings, trampoline stuff, and just plain ole goofing off and sweating. See ya next time.


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