Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 48 - Rest Day

Welcome back everyone. Today was our designated Rest Day, but it was far from it. We spent the majority of the day running around and chasing my 5 year old grand daughter. That is a workout in and of itself. But I love her to death. I love all my grand kids. They make me smile a lot. Since i dont have fitness stuff to blog about i will let you all go about with your lives.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 47 - Core Cardio & Balance

Welcome back. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your stay. Welcome to Costco, I love you. Y'all come back now, ya hear?

So today was a pleasant surprise for the both of us, We got to do a recovery week workout. This workout, although technically a recovery week workout, is far from it. Granted, there isn't any major jumper around and acting like a rabbit on crack, but there will be sweat !! This workout is all about balance and core control. I like this workout more so than any of the other workouts in Insanity. While i am still not very fond of the Hip Flexor Burners, i still give them my all, and they still burn. But the most important part is, they don't burn AS MUCH. I love the feeling of progress.

After this workout i was feeling somewhat energized and feeling good, so i went for a run. And it felt awesome. After i finished my 3.66 mile run, i was not out of breath, and i wasnt drenched in sweat. I have never had that happen before, and i wasnt slacking on my run either, i did that run in about 36 minutes at a pace of right at 10 minutes a mile. Needless to say i was very proud of myself.

Overall i would have to say that this workout, Insanity, lives up to it's name and it's claims. If you haven't seen the infomercial for it yet, my first question is why not? And my second question is do you have a few minutes to watch it? Go ahead, click the link, and see what we have been doing, if you dare.....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 46 - Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

welcome to day 46 of our Insanity torture-fest. When you have to do these 2 workouts back to back, you are sure to be whooped when you are done, and I was. I did start the workout with a half ass attitude, but i quickly got my ass in gear. I only have 15 days of Insanity left and I have a definite goal in mind, and I will achieve my goal, no matter what. The first part of the workout is seriously intense and all i kept hearing was Shaun T saying "go faster, go faster" If during the workout you hear Shaun T say "my quads are burning", you must smartly and matter of factly retort with the following.....

when  the workout is finally over, you should feel like your quads were lit on fire, someone poured a bucket of water on you, and your core should feel like you were hit in the stomach with a baseball bat, twice.

Then if that wasnt enough for one night, you get to do the 16 minute mini torture fest that is named Cardio Abs. I actually like the ab workout, but not particularly right after Max Cardio Conditioning. I am getting better and stronger and leaner and healthier with each passing minute of each Insanity workout. I may feel like i am dying while doing the workout, but with each day of pressing play, that feeling comes later and later in the workout, so it is really whipping my old ass in to shape. I must say that i feel like a complete bad ass when i am dripping in sweat, shaking, and every muscle in my body is screaming. A complete bad ass. You should try it sometime, you wont regret it.
So in closing i thought i would include a few of my favorite music video's of all times. Enjoy and turn up the volume !

Day 45 - Max Recovery

The first time I ever did this workout was at Super Saturday in Philly and during this workout I thought it was PURE torture designed by that sadistic dictator from Wadiya. (Sorry i just had to make some sort of reference to that movie.)

But now, I really enjoy it. Some of the moves, like the one heel up, squat pulses are still painful, but I'm getting better at them, so it must be working. When the move is over and my quads are literally on fire and shaking, I love that feeling. It really makes you feel powerful during a workout. There is no other feeling like when you are dripping sweat and pushing yourself harder than thought you could and then finishing that last rep. Granted, I was really shaking during a few of those last reps, but I finished them !  Anyone know what hip flexor burn feels like ?  I hate it, but it is getting less and less with each passing workout. My squats are lower and longer, my stretches are deeper and steadier, and my core strength is impressing even me ! All i can say is Shaun T is a maniac and a machine, and thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 44 - Max Interval Plyo

Welcome back Insaniacs ! Today we dove into the torturous workout that is Max Interval Plyo. This dreaded workout is really a test of your will power and fortitude. I really pushed myself today and i have a feeling that i will be feeling it in my lower abs tomorrow. I dont mind being sore the day or two after a workout, it makes me feel that i worked muscles to their max and alittle further. Today i kept a phrase in my head that I heard Shaun T say on a video, "the workout begins after you get tired." That really made sense to me. Another quote i keep referring back to was said by Muhammad Ali when he was asked the following question.

"How many sit-ups do you do?" Mohammed Ali answered, "I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, because that’s when it really counts."

That actually makes alot of sense to me, now that I think of it. 

Think about that statement....go ahead, take your time, I'll wait.

Anywho, Just wanted to post alittle something tonight, so i did.

Enjoy your night everyone.

just a cute little picture for you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Day 42 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Welcome to our Day 42 Insanity Workout: Max Cardio Conditioning. That still doesn't sound remotely like its gunna be fun. And guess what? It still wasn't. In no way shape or form. That being said, I actually made my way through this workout, again with minimal discomfort. Exhaustion...yes, muscle fatigue...most definitely, but true discomfort....nah. I must be getting stronger then huh? 

 Anyway enough whining on my part. Sylvia did an amazing job as always. The final move of the workout she egged me on to keep up with her and keep digging deep. Thanks babe. We are doing it together and i couldn't be prouder of us.


The entire workout is just about 50 minutes. After the warm up and once the actual workout begins, it’s a non-stop slug-fest until the end.  
The warm up lasts a little less than 10 minutes. The warm up consists of 3 rounds. The first two rounds are just under 4 minutes each, and the last round is approximately 1 and a half minutes. The last round has a slight variation in the exercises, and the last round, as usual, is as fast as you can go.  The first two rounds consist of the following exercises:
  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks – Arms Up
  • Jump Rope S-S
  • High Knees – Arms Out
  • Switch Kicks
  • Hit the Floor
  • S-S Floor Hops
The last round of the warm up is is approximately 1 and a half minutes and slightly different than the first two rounds.  The last round exercises are:
  • Sprint
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Heisman
  • 123 Heisman
  • High Knees
At the end of the warm up you get a way too short 30 second water break. The water break is followed by the usual stretch, which feels amazing and lasts just under 5 minutes. This is followed by another 30 second water break, and then the torture, I mean the workout starts.
The main part of the workout is approximately 29 minutes.  
Remember, there are no scheduled breaks until the last move of the main workout.  Each move lasts approximately 1 minute.  
The exercises are:
  • High Low Jab with Squat
  • Football Runs
  • 8 Ball Shots with Squat
  • Right and Left Kicks
  • Diamond Jumps
  • In-Out Push Up Jacks (4 in-outs/4 push-up jacks)
  • Suicide Jumps
  • High Knee/Low/Floor Sprints (8 high knees/8 sprints/8 floor sprints)
  • Ski Abs
  • Kick Step Back (1st Recovery Exercise)
  • Squat Twists (2nd Recovery Exercise)
  • Over the River Hops (Last Recovery Exercise)
  • Attack
  • Power Knees
  • Ski Down Hooks
  • Belt Kicks
  • Forward Back Suicides
  • Push Up Abs
  • Plank Punches
  • 8 Jump Ropes/8 Hop Squats
  • Squat Speed Bag
Finally……The cool down and stretch.  You should be dripping sweat like you just got out of the shower.  The cool down and stretch lasts the usual couple of minutes and man does it feel good. I really love these final few minutes of the workout. I truly feel like i have accomplished something. (other than losing a couple of pounds of sweat that is)
This Insanity workout is seriously living up to it's name. But, we are in the last month and we are not giving up. We are relentless, digging deep and literally sprinting towards the finish line.
Type to you all tonight......... hopefully.  Thanks again for stopping by. I (we) appreciate it.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 40 & Day 41 It's a Two-fer !

Welcome back everyone. Yesterday we did Max Interval Plyo again, second time in a week, and that just shouldnt be allowed by law. We decided to do this workout in the morning, and that too should be illegal. But we had my fathers birthday cook out to get to by noon, so it was a wise decision. These month 2 workouts are no joke. However, i am feeling leaner and stronger already, even though this is only week 1 of month 2. People say that all the magic happens during month 2, so maybe there is to what they say. I am starting to see the definition in my abs that i want and that is making me push harder each workout. There are several moves in Plyo that i really like, but i can tell you that i don't like them all. This workout sends Shaun T to the floor gasping for breath, what does that tell you about the level of difficulty in this workout? If  you would like the overview of the workout, see Day 36, cuz i aint typing all that again.( yeah i know i could cut and paste It is a beast of a workout.

 Someone was once quoted as saying, once your muscles start burning, you need to keep going, because you are already in pain, you might as well make the pain worth it. I have that going through my brain almost every minute of this workout. It gets me through. I also keep reminding myself of why i started working out to begin be the best version of me that i have ever seen. and I am getting there, one day at a time, one workout at a time. I'm not there yet, but i am closer than i was yesterday.

Today was our scheduled rest day and we spent the afternoon having a cookout at a local park with my two daughters and my 4 grand kids. So between yesterdays cook out for my fathers birthday and the cookout today, i didn't eat so healthy. But a cheat is allowable every once in a while. I plan on running it off here in a little while so its all gunna workout in the end. I hope everyone enjoyed my little break from a blog yesterday. I love Abbott & Costello. I remember watching their movies with my dad on the weekends when i was growing up. I have included a link to the YouTube video of their best routine ever. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 39 - Max Interval Circuit

Welcome back to my little soap box. Yesterday we ventured into the (painful) world of Insanity's Max Interval Circuit. I wont go into all the gory details about this workout since i already did on Day 35. That blog post sums it up in a nutshell. This workout is no fracking joke. I did push harder this time and really, i mean really kept my core engaged throughout the workout. Sinced i wont be going into details regarding this workout i have planned for you a little bit of entertainment. Please enjoy

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 38- Max Recovery

max  (mæks) 
— n
1.the most significant, highest, furthest, or greatest thing the max  to the ultimate extent

recovery  (rɪˈkÊŒvÉ™rɪ) 
— n  , pl -eries
1.the act or process of recovering, esp from sickness, a shock,or a setback; recuperation
2.restoration to a former or better condition
3.the regaining of something lost
4.the extraction of useful substances from waste
5.the recovery of a space capsule after a space flight
 a. the obtaining of a right, etc, by the judgment of a court
 b. (in the US) the final judgment or verdict in a case
7.fencing  a return to the position of guard after making anattack
8.swimming, rowing  the action of bringing the arm, oar, etc,forward for another stroke  a stroke played from the rough or a bunker to the fairwayor green

Somehow i don't think Shaun T had any of the above meanings in mind when he named this workout. Even though this is not a cardio intensive workout, you will feel it. Ab work, Quad work, Hip Flexor work, Shoulder work, Pec work, etc. You will feel the burn, all while you are doing a 'recovery' workout. Ha good one.

This workout follows a similar pattern as the other workouts: You do a Warm-up, Stretch, Workout, Stretch, End.  But Shaun T decided to flip it around this time, and you actually stretch as your warm-up, which is a refreshing change of pace. Here is the work out. Keep in mind that this is a "recovery" workout. The total time is somewhere around 47 minutes. The description is quite long so bear with me here.......
Warm Up:
  • Flat-back stretch
  • Runners lung flat-back stretch
  • Hip-flexor stretch – to – runners lunge stretch
Workout 1:
Workout 1 consists of continual movement from stretch/exercise to the next stretch/exercise.  After every exercise we go back to the flat back stretch.
  •  Flat back stretch 4 times– Just as above you are keeping your core tight when you take both hands to the ground. After the 4th stretch go right into the following
  •  Plank- as always hold your core tight Go back to flat back stretch. I forget how many times this is repeated but it isn't many. The you move on to the next move
  •  Plank position again, this time you are bringing your knee to your shoulder (Be sure to keep your butt down) this is not a speed drill, slow and deliberate is what we are after…8x, then you stand up &  roll up then plank knee to shoulder again for 16x
  • 4 count triceps push-ups, x3
  • Childs pose stretch
  • Downward dog stretch to plank
  • Plank to runners lunge
  • Runners lung – to – standing lunge – x 12
  • Runners hip flexor stretch – Left side-  this is where your elbow is pushing into your inner knee (left elbow to left knee)
  • Modified runners hip flexor stretch – Left side -this is where you drop that same left arm to the floor and reach straight up with your right arm. )
  • Back to runners lunge –to- standing lunge x 12
  • Runners hip flexor stretch – Right side 
  • Modified runners hip flexor stretch – Right side
Workout 2: Workout 2 is where you start to work, not necessarily as hard as the other workouts but definitely not a “recovery.”
At this point we have about 25 minutes left in the workout.
We start off in a plank position for Workout 2 then we proceed to a side plank balance move.
  • Side plank (one arm balance holds) You start out in a normal plank, lift one arm straight up and stacking your feet, one on top of the other and balancing on one arm being absolutely sure that your core is tight and there is a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your heels.
  • Back to plank – then 2 push-ups
  • Repeat side plank (one arm balance holds) on the other side.
  • Plank to 2 push-ups
  • Repeat side plank
  • Plank to 4 push-ups
  • Repeat side plank
  • Plank to 4 push-ups
  • Repeat side plank
  • Plank to 6 push-ups
  • Repeat side plank
  • Plank to 8 push-ups
  • Childs pose
  • Low plank – a low plank is the same as a normal plank but this time you are on your elbows.
  • Spider man low planks – A spider man low plank is holding your low plank but then bringing your knees to your shoulders so right knee to right shoulder and left knee to left shoulder. – The first 4 are slow and deliberate.
  • Childs pose
  • Spider man low planks – 8x 
  • Childs pose
  • Spiderman low plank – 16x  This set is done slow and done deliberately. If these are anywhere even remotely easy you just aren’t going slowly enough.
  • Childs pose – Rest for 30 seconds
Go directly into downward dog and hold this stretch for 15 seconds. Coming out of your downward dog start walking your hands back towards your legs and come up to a full bent over stretch
Workout 3
  • Start out in a plié stance ( as wide as is comfortable for you)  then spread your arms straight out fingers pointed down
  • Plié pulses – Using your stance above pulse up and down using your quadriceps. The key to pulses is staying aligned and moving only about 3 – 4 inches up and down.
  • Plié ground touches – When you are done with your first set of plié pulses, with your hands still extended out, you bend to the one side from the waist and touch the floor.
  • Plié core lift – coming out of plié ground touches use your CORE to lift yourself back up into plié pulses.
  • Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (8 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (8 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (16 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (16 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your left heel off the ground. (8 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your left heel off the ground. (16 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your right heel off the ground. (8 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your right heel off the ground. (16 pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine-  but this round lift both right and left heels off the ground (8pulses)
  • Repeat plié pulses routine-  but this round lift both right and left heels off the ground (16pulses)
Seriously, right now your quads should be on FIRE ! But you're done so......Shake it out.
Workout 4
Start out this workout with some deep breathing stretches just like we did at the start of the video. Next drop down in to a plank position.
Next coming out of a normal plank we go into a low plank
  • High plank – low plank (called hoovers in Les Mills Pump): High plank/low plank is going from a high plank to a low plank (elbows to hands) in a controlled manner while keeping your core tight. You are building upper body strength as well as musclular endurance. Right side leading (meaning you are leading with your right hands, or your right hand goes up from elbow to hands first) Repeat 4x.
  • Military crawls – right side leading, repeat 8x.
  • Childs pose.
  • Military crawls – right side leading, repeat 16x.
  • Childs pose.
  • Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 16x. Always remember form over function.
  • Childs pose.
  • Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 8x.
  • Childs pose.
  • Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 4x.
  • Childs pose.
  • Downward dog.

Workout 5

Just like Workout 4 coming out of a downward dog walk your hands back until you come into a bent over stretch. Then roll up.
At a stance where your legs are slightly wider than your shoulders and your knees are slightly bent, take your left hand and put it on your left hip, put your right arm straight up into the air.
  • Elbow to knee – This is an oblique exercise which means you are working slow and controlled. Coming from the stance I described above, pull your right elbow to your right knee in a controlled manner, crunching your obliques. Repeat 16x
  • Elbow to knee – Left side leading. Repeat 16x
  • Elbow to knee – Right side leading. Repeat 8x
  • Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 8x
  • Elbow to knee – right side leading. Repeat 4x
  • Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 4x
  • Elbow to knee – right side leading. Repeat 2x
  • Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 2x
Water Break
Last exercise:
  • Hammer – The hammer sounds intimidating, but it was actually my favorite move.You stand straight up with your hands above your head and balancing on your right leg. Then using your abs you will bring your left leg straight up and both of your arms straight down as if you are hammering your foot. Repeat 16x
  • Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 16x
  • Hammer – Right leading. Repeat  8x
  • Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 8x
  • Hammer – Right leading. Repeat 4x
  • Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 4x
  • Hammer – Right leading. Repeat 2x
  • Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 2x

Well, you still have to do the Cool down stretch- but this is such a good thing, you never want to skip it. EVER.
can't wait to do this one again ! Type to you all tomorrow after that workout ! Have a great evening.

Day 37 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Holy Crap Buckets Batman.....these Month 2 Workouts keep getting better and better...


On the agenda yesterday was our Day 37 Insanity Workout: Max Cardio Conditioning. That doesn't even sound remotely like its gunna be fun. And guess what? It wasn't. In no way shape or form. That being said, I actually made my way through this workout with minimal discomfort. Exhaustion...yes, muscle fatigue...most definitely, but true discomfort....nah. I must be getting stronger then huh? I just wish my elbow tendons would heal already. Golfers Elbow sucks, and i don't even play golf. I am fine when i am doing plank or push-ups, but if i have to push off from one side to the other while in plank position, WOW !! that smarts. And because of that, i am reluctant to give suicides and like moves, everything i can. But i will get better and stronger. I promise ya that much. Anyway enough bitchin on my part. Sylvia did an amazing job as always. The final move of the workout she egged me on to keep up with her and keep digging deep. Thanks babe. We are doing it together and i couldn't be prouder of us.

Max Cardio Conditioning

The entire workout is just about 50 minutes. After the warm up and once the actual workout begins, it’s a non-stop workout until the end.  Yes we were both cussing Shaun T throughout the workout, but i'm sure he knows that and really doesn't care.
The warm up lasts a little less than 10 minutes. The warm up consists of 3 rounds. The first two rounds are just under 4 minutes each, and the last round is approximately 1 and a half minutes. The last round has a slight variation in the exercises, and the last round is as fast as you can go.  The first two rounds consist of the following exercises:
  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks – Arms Up
  • Jump Rope S-S
  • High Knees – Arms Out
  • Switch Kicks
  • Hit the Floor
  • S-S Floor Hops
The last round of the warm up is is approximately 1 and a half minutes and slightly different than the first two rounds.  The last round exercises are:
  • Sprint
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Heisman
  • 123 Heisman
  • High Knees
At the end of the warm up you get a way too short 30 second water break. The water break is followed by the usual stretch, which feels amazing and lasts just under 5 minutes. This is followed by another 30 second water break, and then the torture, I mean the workout starts.
The main part of the workout is approximately 29 minutes.  
Remember, there are no scheduled breaks until the last move of the main workout.  Each move lasts approximately 1 minute.  
The exercises are:
  • High Low Jab with Squat
  • Football Runs
  • 8 Ball Shots with Squat
  • Right and Left Kicks
  • Diamond Jumps
  • In-Out Push Up Jacks (4 in-outs/4 push-up jacks)
  • Suicide Jumps
  • High Knee/Low/Floor Sprints (8 high knees/8 sprints/8 floor sprints)
  • Ski Abs
  • Kick Step Back (1st Recovery Exercise)
  • Squat Twists (2nd Recovery Exercise)
  • Over the River Hops (Last Recovery Exercise)
  • Attack
  • Power Knees
  • Ski Down Hooks
  • Belt Kicks
  • Forward Back Suicides
  • Push Up Abs
  • Plank Punches
  • 8 Jump Ropes/8 Hop Squats
  • Squat Speed Bag
Finally……The cool down and stretch.  You should be dripping sweat like you just got out of the shower.  The cool down and stretch lasts the usual couple of minutes and man does it feel good. I really love these final few minutes of the workout. I truly feel like i have accomplished something. (other than losing a couple of pounds of sweat that is)
The recovery moves listed above are designed to allow you to catch your breath, somewhat, remember this is HIIT turned on its head. It's not steady pace, steady pace, then 30 seconds of balls to the wall fastness, then steady steady steady, its just the opposite. It's go go go go go go go go go gogo go go go gogo go go go gogo go go go gogo go go go go short water break go go go go gogo go go go gogo go go go gogo go go go go go go go go go go die, repeat, repeat repeat.
This workout is seriously living up to it's name. But, we are in the last month and we are not giving up. We are relentless, digging deep and literally sprinting towards the finish line.
Type to you all tonight......... hopefully.  Thanks again for stopping by. I (we) appreciate it.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 36 - Max Interval Plyo

I am now under the serious impression that Shaun T is out to kill me.

I didnt post yesterday, just cuz time got away from me. Sorry.
See that move that Tania (sp) is doing in the above picture....its called a diamond jack. Well, that's isn't, in any way, shape, or form what mine looked like. Just saying.

Whelp, yesterday was our second day into Month 2 of Insanity. The workout was called "Max Interval Plyo" and it is just plain uh..well...insane. I did my best to keep up, but this workout kicked my everloving sweaty ass. I did my absolute best and dug as deep as i could but I had to catch my breath alot during this workout. I also paused a lot because my triceps and quads were SCREAMING ! But i let them settle down for a second or two then got right back into it. That's what it is all about right? (question....whos bright idea was it to put level 3 drills towards the end of the workout?) Here is the workout in a nutshell.

Main Workout

This is Insanity's Max Interval Plyo. For this workout you do three different sets of exercises, the first two composed of three rounds of repetitions with an all too short 30 second water break between. The final set lasts the longest, and consists of the hardest moves, so try to pace yourself. Even with Shaun T yelling at you to pick it up, go faster, dig deeper. You’ll find that even though these sets are punishing, they give you enough time to recover your breath. (not) So you should finish strong, maintaining high intensity right up to the end, even if it leaves you completely beat, which if it doesn't, you ain't trying.

First Set
1st Round: 4:13 min / 2nd Round: 3:04min / 3rd Round: 4:30 min
  • Switch Jump: (45 sec) Jump, rotate, fall into squats.
  • Squat Push-Ups: (45 sec) Squat position, fall into push up, back up into squat with tri-ceps
  • Wide In & Out Abs: (45 sec) Push up position, legs wide, in & out with legs.
  • Power Jumps: (45 sec) Squat, jump up into the air, slap thighs, repeat.
  • 3rd Set only: V-Push Up One Leg (30 sec each leg) Push up position, butt high in the air, do push up’s, one leg raised to make it harder.
30 sec water break

Second Set
1st Round: 4.30 min / 2nd Round: 3.30min / 3rd Round: 4:11min
  • Pogo Right: Right leg up, arms right overhead, reach down, touch the ground, then hop upon straightening up.
  • Power Push Up: Push up position, when you pop up, scissor your feet and hands together so you’re standing and touching your toes, then back down.
  • Globe Twists: From a squat, leap from one side to the other, going up and bringing it back down, shoulder to knee.
  • Level 3 Drills: Go down, do 16 push-ups, plank position and run it out for 16 counts. Up, and then down and repeat.
  • 3rd Set only: Power Lunges/Hop Squats: Alternate lunges with two hop squats.
Water break – 30 seconds

Final Set
6:22 min Total
  • Side Push Ups: Knees together, body up, place one hand directly down, extend your legs, one foot resting on the other, and do 16 push ups.
  • Kickstand Touch the Floor: From a runner’s start, leap up, bringing the back leg up, knee to chest, then back down into a runner’s pose.
  • 8 Power Knees/4 Diamond Jumps: Side stance, bring your knee into your hands, then do squat jumps, arms going all the way out and up, and then back down, feet kicking up to your butt.
  • Balance Push Up: Push up position, down, elbows close to your sides, then come up, opposite arm and leg extending out into a balance position, than back down and switch. Set of 12!

While doing the workout, it was nice ( reassuring anyway) to see the people in the workout dropping out to catch their breath too. Hell, Shaun T was even out of breath several times. I am still amazed at how friggin high that man can jump for power knees. I am serious, i could run underneath him when he does it. Any who, I must attend to other matters now, so i will let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming, thanks for reading.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 35 - Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit


Now that was a frigging workout !

Welcome back people. Today started Month 2 of Insanity for Sylvia and I. We started this morning out with our 3rd fit test of the scheduled 5 fit tests during these grueling 60 days. We did pretty well. 

Here are our results from our Fit Tests so far. 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Lee Fit Test
  • Switch Kicks - 74 - 100 -105
  • Power Jacks - 48 - 57 - 59
  • Power Knees - 55 - 74 - 87
  • Power Jumps - 36 -30 - 39
  • Globe Jumps - 5  - 10 - 10
  • Suicide Jumps - 14 - 16 - 17
  • Push Up Jacks - 25 - 30 - 31
  • Low Plank Oblique - 30 - 44 - 48
Sylvia Fit Test
  • Switch Kicks - 82 - 102 - 90
  • Power Jacks - 28 - 30 - 36
  • Power Knees - 50 - 69 - 87
  • Power Jumps - 8 - 23 - 23
  • Globe Jumps - 4 - 7 - 7
  • Suicide Jumps - 7 -15 - 13
  • Push Up Jacks - 8 - 16 - 17
  • Low Plank Oblique - 34 - 45 - 65

I think we both did great considering the week of vacation eating we have been on. We didn't eat right and we have both been paying for it. (see yesterdays blog for details on the indulging we did) I think we did pretty well considering. I think i could have done better, but i have a big blister on the ball of one foot and slight shin splints in both legs. But no excuses, i did what i could do and gave it 100 %. Next time i am aiming for 125% or more. Sylvia did awesome as well. I am so proud of her. Well Enough about the Fit Test. On to the actual workout.


I hate things with the word 'max' in front of them. Usually they don't mean much, but here it does. As my header above simply indicates, this was a mother of a workout. 

The Warm Up ( as in all of the Insanity Workouts)
The warm-up consists of ten minutes of exercises, broken down into three identical sets. As usual, these sets are repeated at greater and greater intensities, with the last being an all-out effort. The first two are roughly four minutes long, and the last max set is only two minutes, but since you’re supposed to red-line it, those 2 minutes will seem to last forever. Remember, as far as ‘warm-ups’ go, this is pretty intense,so just try to do the moves for the entire duration. You will get better at them as time progresses. Here are the moves you will be doing. ( three times)
  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks – Arms Up
  • 123 Heisman
  • Jump Rope Side-Side
  • High Knees – Arms Out
  • Switch Kicks
  • Hit the Floor
  • Side-Side Floor Hops
At the end of the warm-up you are given a thirty second water break, and then a solid five minute stretch which is composed of the familiar yoga stretches, pelvic openers, hamstring and thigh extensions. Push to get the most out of these, don’t just use the stretch as a time to get your breath back. These stretches will make sure you avoid injury in the next hour, so work into them and make sure to loosen up. You should work to get the most out of these stretches as they will really help you in the long run to avoid injury and make you stronger.

After the stretch you have another 30 second water break, and then it’s show time.

The Actual Workout
The main workout is roughly 40 minutes long. This means you have to, as always, pace yourself so as to not die two thirds of the way through. You have numerous water breaks throughout, and be sure to hydrate while not flooding your belly. Listen to your body, push hard but don’t lose form, and before you know it you’ll be at the cool down stretch.
Round 1
The first group of exercises is repeated three times in three identical sets. Each set has four moves, and each set is performed at higher and higher intensity levels, with the last having an extra move added to the end. The Round lasts about 11 minutes all told, with a water break between each one, and is pretty rough. The exercises are:
  • Pedal/Power Lunges (Sprint in place, and then drop into deep lunges, one on each side, arms up).
  • Ski Abs /Jacks/In & Out/Oblique (Do the following four times: start in plank, then jump your feet up from side to side for ski abs, then do push-ups where you kick your feet out wide like a jumping jack, then jump your feet in and back out in plank position, and finally bring each knee up to touch your elbow for the obliques).
  • Power Strike (Lunge on the left side, punch down twice, do the same on the other side, repeat).
  • Frog Jumps (I hate these! Wide squat stance, touch floor, jump up and back, hands grabbing sky, then down, touch floor, forward, repeat)
The final set has 1 minute of Football Runs/Cross Jacks added on for fun. Ha....not
Round 2
The second round is similar in set-up and duration to the first: three sets, with an extra move added to the final one.
  • Hook Jumps. (Throw four hook punches up high, then four low, then do four high jumps and switch sides).
  • High Knees with Twist. (Run in place with high knees, twisting your torso so as to bring elbows down in opposite directions).
  • High-Low Jab with Squat.  (Jump high and punch to the side, then punch low when you land in a squat).
  • Floor Switch Kicks. (This is the move the girl is doing on the CD cover-get on all fours, belly to the ceiling, and then kick up with each leg).
Just like the first round, the third set of round 2 is followed by an additional exercise: 1-2-3 Jab Across.
Round 3
Once again, the same format as the previous two: three sets of the same exercises, for a total of ten minutes combined. However, this time there is no additional exercise. This final round is rough folks, but hang in there!
  • Side Suicide Jumps. (Drop into a push-up position, jump to the left, leap up, drop and do the right side).
  • Squat Hooks. (Go into a deep squat and then hook punch, alternating hands).
  • Full Body Drill. (ROUGH. Drop into the push-up position, run in place eight times, do walking push-ups, then do eight wide knees, and finish up by running in place).
  • Plank Punches.  (Get in a plank position, and punch forward, alternating hands).
Follow this up with a water break and the blessed cool down stretches, and then you’re done! Literally. Whether you collapse, vomit, lie on your back, or stagger around drunkenly until you get your breath back. remember that you have just finished your first "Max" workout! Awesome!
I cannot wait to see what the rest of the month brings ! I am expecting to be broken down and built back up into a lean mean fitness machine !