Somehow i don't think Shaun T had any of the above meanings in mind when he named this workout. Even though this is not a cardio intensive workout, you will feel it. Ab work, Quad work, Hip Flexor work, Shoulder work, Pec work, etc. You will feel the burn, all while you are doing a 'recovery' workout. Ha good one.
This workout follows a similar pattern as the other workouts: You do a Warm-up, Stretch, Workout, Stretch, End. But Shaun T decided to flip it around this time, and you actually stretch as your warm-up, which is a refreshing change of pace. Here is the work out. Keep in mind that this is a "recovery" workout. The total time is somewhere around 47 minutes. The description is quite long so bear with me here.......
Warm Up:
- Flat-back stretch
- Runners lung flat-back stretch
- Hip-flexor stretch – to – runners lunge stretch
Workout 1:
Workout 1 consists of continual movement from stretch/exercise to the next stretch/exercise. After every exercise we go back to the flat back stretch.
- Flat back stretch 4 times– Just as above you are keeping your core tight when you take both hands to the ground. After the 4th stretch go right into the following
- Plank- as always hold your core tight Go back to flat back stretch. I forget how many times this is repeated but it isn't many. The you move on to the next move
- Plank position again, this time you are bringing your knee to your shoulder (Be sure to keep your butt down) this is not a speed drill, slow and deliberate is what we are after…8x, then you stand up & roll up then plank knee to shoulder again for 16x
- 4 count triceps push-ups, x3
- Childs pose stretch
- Downward dog stretch to plank
- Plank to runners lunge
- Runners lung – to – standing lunge – x 12
- Runners hip flexor stretch – Left side- this is where your elbow is pushing into your inner knee (left elbow to left knee)
- Modified runners hip flexor stretch – Left side -this is where you drop that same left arm to the floor and reach straight up with your right arm. )
- Back to runners lunge –to- standing lunge x 12
- Runners hip flexor stretch – Right side
- Modified runners hip flexor stretch – Right side
Workout 2: Workout 2 is where you start to work, not necessarily as hard as the other workouts but definitely not a “recovery.”
At this point we have about 25 minutes left in the workout.
We start off in a plank position for Workout 2 then we proceed to a side plank balance move.
- Side plank (one arm balance holds) You start out in a normal plank, lift one arm straight up and stacking your feet, one on top of the other and balancing on one arm being absolutely sure that your core is tight and there is a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your heels.
- Back to plank – then 2 push-ups
- Repeat side plank (one arm balance holds) on the other side.
- Plank to 2 push-ups
- Repeat side plank
- Plank to 4 push-ups
- Repeat side plank
- Plank to 4 push-ups
- Repeat side plank
- Plank to 6 push-ups
- Repeat side plank
- Plank to 8 push-ups
- Childs pose
- Low plank – a low plank is the same as a normal plank but this time you are on your elbows.
- Spider man low planks – A spider man low plank is holding your low plank but then bringing your knees to your shoulders so right knee to right shoulder and left knee to left shoulder. – The first 4 are slow and deliberate.
- Childs pose
- Spider man low planks – 8x
- Childs pose
- Spiderman low plank – 16x This set is done slow and done deliberately. If these are anywhere even remotely easy you just aren’t going slowly enough.
- Childs pose – Rest for 30 seconds
Go directly into downward dog and hold this stretch for 15 seconds. Coming out of your downward dog start walking your hands back towards your legs and come up to a full bent over stretch
Workout 3
- Start out in a plié stance ( as wide as is comfortable for you) then spread your arms straight out fingers pointed down
- Plié pulses – Using your stance above pulse up and down using your quadriceps. The key to pulses is staying aligned and moving only about 3 – 4 inches up and down.
- Plié ground touches – When you are done with your first set of plié pulses, with your hands still extended out, you bend to the one side from the waist and touch the floor.
- Plié core lift – coming out of plié ground touches use your CORE to lift yourself back up into plié pulses.
- Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (8 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (8 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (16 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses – plié ground touches –plié core lift with your other side. (16 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your left heel off the ground. (8 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your left heel off the ground. (16 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your right heel off the ground. (8 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine– but this round lift your right heel off the ground. (16 pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine- but this round lift both right and left heels off the ground (8pulses)
- Repeat plié pulses routine- but this round lift both right and left heels off the ground (16pulses)
Seriously, right now your quads should be on FIRE ! But you're done so......Shake it out.
Workout 4
Start out this workout with some deep breathing stretches just like we did at the start of the video. Next drop down in to a plank position.
Next coming out of a normal plank we go into a low plank
- High plank – low plank (called hoovers in Les Mills Pump): High plank/low plank is going from a high plank to a low plank (elbows to hands) in a controlled manner while keeping your core tight. You are building upper body strength as well as musclular endurance. Right side leading (meaning you are leading with your right hands, or your right hand goes up from elbow to hands first) Repeat 4x.
- Military crawls – right side leading, repeat 8x.
- Childs pose.
- Military crawls – right side leading, repeat 16x.
- Childs pose.
- Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 16x. Always remember form over function.
- Childs pose.
- Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 8x.
- Childs pose.
- Military crawls – left side leading, repeat 4x.
- Childs pose.
- Downward dog.
Workout 5
Just like Workout 4 coming out of a downward dog walk your hands back until you come into a bent over stretch. Then roll up.
At a stance where your legs are slightly wider than your shoulders and your knees are slightly bent, take your left hand and put it on your left hip, put your right arm straight up into the air.
- Elbow to knee – This is an oblique exercise which means you are working slow and controlled. Coming from the stance I described above, pull your right elbow to your right knee in a controlled manner, crunching your obliques. Repeat 16x
- Elbow to knee – Left side leading. Repeat 16x
- Elbow to knee – Right side leading. Repeat 8x
- Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 8x
- Elbow to knee – right side leading. Repeat 4x
- Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 4x
- Elbow to knee – right side leading. Repeat 2x
- Elbow to knee – left side leading. Repeat 2x
Water Break
Last exercise:
- Hammer – The hammer sounds intimidating, but it was actually my favorite move.You stand straight up with your hands above your head and balancing on your right leg. Then using your abs you will bring your left leg straight up and both of your arms straight down as if you are hammering your foot. Repeat 16x
- Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 16x
- Hammer – Right leading. Repeat 8x
- Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 8x
- Hammer – Right leading. Repeat 4x
- Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 4x
- Hammer – Right leading. Repeat 2x
- Hammer – Left leading. Repeat 2x
Well, you still have to do the Cool down stretch- but this is such a good thing, you never want to skip it. EVER.
I can't wait to do this one again ! Type to you all tomorrow after that workout ! Have a great evening.
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