Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 47 - Core Cardio & Balance

Welcome back. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your stay. Welcome to Costco, I love you. Y'all come back now, ya hear?

So today was a pleasant surprise for the both of us, We got to do a recovery week workout. This workout, although technically a recovery week workout, is far from it. Granted, there isn't any major jumper around and acting like a rabbit on crack, but there will be sweat !! This workout is all about balance and core control. I like this workout more so than any of the other workouts in Insanity. While i am still not very fond of the Hip Flexor Burners, i still give them my all, and they still burn. But the most important part is, they don't burn AS MUCH. I love the feeling of progress.

After this workout i was feeling somewhat energized and feeling good, so i went for a run. And it felt awesome. After i finished my 3.66 mile run, i was not out of breath, and i wasnt drenched in sweat. I have never had that happen before, and i wasnt slacking on my run either, i did that run in about 36 minutes at a pace of right at 10 minutes a mile. Needless to say i was very proud of myself.

Overall i would have to say that this workout, Insanity, lives up to it's name and it's claims. If you haven't seen the infomercial for it yet, my first question is why not? And my second question is do you have a few minutes to watch it? Go ahead, click the link, and see what we have been doing, if you dare.....

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