Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 40 & Day 41 It's a Two-fer !

Welcome back everyone. Yesterday we did Max Interval Plyo again, second time in a week, and that just shouldnt be allowed by law. We decided to do this workout in the morning, and that too should be illegal. But we had my fathers birthday cook out to get to by noon, so it was a wise decision. These month 2 workouts are no joke. However, i am feeling leaner and stronger already, even though this is only week 1 of month 2. People say that all the magic happens during month 2, so maybe there is to what they say. I am starting to see the definition in my abs that i want and that is making me push harder each workout. There are several moves in Plyo that i really like, but i can tell you that i don't like them all. This workout sends Shaun T to the floor gasping for breath, what does that tell you about the level of difficulty in this workout? If  you would like the overview of the workout, see Day 36, cuz i aint typing all that again.( yeah i know i could cut and paste It is a beast of a workout.

 Someone was once quoted as saying, once your muscles start burning, you need to keep going, because you are already in pain, you might as well make the pain worth it. I have that going through my brain almost every minute of this workout. It gets me through. I also keep reminding myself of why i started working out to begin be the best version of me that i have ever seen. and I am getting there, one day at a time, one workout at a time. I'm not there yet, but i am closer than i was yesterday.

Today was our scheduled rest day and we spent the afternoon having a cookout at a local park with my two daughters and my 4 grand kids. So between yesterdays cook out for my fathers birthday and the cookout today, i didn't eat so healthy. But a cheat is allowable every once in a while. I plan on running it off here in a little while so its all gunna workout in the end. I hope everyone enjoyed my little break from a blog yesterday. I love Abbott & Costello. I remember watching their movies with my dad on the weekends when i was growing up. I have included a link to the YouTube video of their best routine ever. Enjoy.

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