Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 31 - Core Cardio & Balance

Ahoy Crew Members !
who watched this as a kid?

and today was our 4th day of Core Cardio & Balance and I still really like this workout. We decided to do an early morning workout again this morning and I remembered that it is hard to get going with no fuel in the tank so i had half of a whole wheat english muffin with a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter before pressing play, and it made a difference!  I was able to keep up with almost every move. I had to take a water break on a few of the moves, but I fore see that tomorrow i will be able to do the entire workout without fail.

When we got done with our workout, we decided to go to the grocery store to get our supplies for the upcoming weeks meals. I cannot say enough good things about the Nutrition Guide that is included with Insanity. It is awesome and so very easy. Nothing fancy at all. 

After the grocery store, we jumped on the Harley and went and got ourselves lost on the Pennsylvania back roads.....oh how i love my phone's GPS. 

Have a great evening folks, I have a Ravens game to watch.....

Day 30 - Core Cardio & Balance

Hello Insaniacs and welcome back ! 

and today is day 3 of our recovery week workouts. We are both enjoying this workout, and we are doing great with it. I have really been concentrating on keeping my core contracted and engaged throughout this workout and I can really feel it starting to pay off. We took the morning off to get some household stuff done that we have been putting off for too long. We actually did some more vacation stuff as well. We went horseback riding. It was very relaxing and quite fun. I havent been on a horse since i was a kid. Sylvia really enjoyed herself as well. I will be taking her back to do it again for her birthday, probably one of their specialty packages, so its more romantic. Anyway, after we got home, we decided to get our sweat on with Shaun T. I thought that instead of plain water, I would mix in some R & R and see how that works. It seems to have done its job. I made it through the workout with ALOT of steam still in the engine, so i went out for a 5K run. I really enjoy my runs. The first 10 minutes or so are always tough, cuz any way I start out it is up hill. But after the first hill, I get my pace, settle into my tunes and carry on.  Not much more to report for today, so I will be signing off for tonight. Enjoy your evening everyone.

Day 29 - Core Cardio & Balance

Welcome to my little piece of this here internet web blogging pie.

So, I haven't blogged for a few days and I need to play catch up. Sorry about that, but we have actually been on vacation since last Friday and after we workout, we are off to do some vacationing stuff. Let me catch you up with some tidbits of wisdom or ramblings from a warped mind.

Starting day 2 of recovery week and wow, we love this workout. Core Cardio & Balance is a less intense workout than the previous ones, but it is still intense, just different intense. There is no real rest in Insanity.

This workout really ( and i mean really) centers on your core (aka your abs) Today was our first morning workout, and i must say getting the engine firing on all cylinders first thing in the morning takes some doing. We cant eat breakfast before working out, or we risk puking all over the workout room. Not good. And no, i'm not kidding, you do not want to eat anything before doing ANY Insanity workout. Fair Warning. 

We decided to get this workout in first thing in the morning so we could get our butts to the Sweetest Place on Earth ! 

Now, i am a self confessed candy-aholic, so this probably wasn't the best place to go, but i needed an adrenaline fix, after skydiving I am hooked on adrenaline. Sky Rush is an awesome roller coaster and i actually sat in the seat that hung out over thin air !! Great Bear was cool too, All the steel coasters were amazingly fast and full filling for me. The wooden coasters, i cant stand. They jar you around way too much. I was sore after only 2 of them. Never again. 

On the way out we went to what everyone goes to either when you get there or when you are leaving.

Once again, not the best place for me to go, especially with a credit card. But we actually did control ourselves, somewhat........we didn't buy much at all. I could have bought BAGS of chocolate, but I have worked too hard to sabotage myself like that. We had a great day and we will get back on track. 

Not much more to say so I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled program. Type to ya later.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 28 - First day of Recovery Week

Welcome to Recovery Week
(granted it's not as cool as Shark Week, but we will try to entertain you all the same.)

Ahoy, fellow Insaniacs. We dove into the recovery week workout yesterday not having any idea what to expect. We love this workout, and its a good thing too, because we get to do it all week. This workout isn't about intensity, its about focus and control. Once we are good with the focus and control, then we can amp it up a little bit. I found myself really keeping my core contracted throughout every move. And i can feel it this morning. It feels great ! Although this workout is not intended to be intense, we both found ourselves sweating a lot !  There is a lot of variety in this workout. You never repeat a move, but towards the end, you build on the previous move. Talk about a workout. The balance moves were enjoyable, the toughest ones for me were the knee lifts part 3. You stand with one leg lifted, knee bent towards you chest, fists by your ears, core tight, and you straighten out the leg you have lifted. That move by itself isn't that hard, but put it after two previous moves involving that same leg and you start to get muscles crying for relief.  The jabs, hooks and elbows towards the end are always fun to do. I did notice that when everyone is doing Hiesmans, it seems like everyone is doing them differently. I try to do them Shaun T style, but not as fast (yet). We are tackling this workout this morning, my first a.m. workout in forever, because we are taking a day-cation to Hershey Park today. Mmmmmmmm chocolate.......drooling......tongue hanging out

Hopefully I can control myself, but I wouldn't bet on it.....Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 27 - Rest Day

Well hello there blog reader. How was your Sunday?  Mine was supposed to be a nice enjoyable day with both my girls and all 4 of my grand kids, but mother nature had plans of her own. We called it off and we will reschedule it for next weekend maybe. So today was spent lazily doing as little as possible. Let's see, i watched Flash Gordon, Superman II, and the newest Star Trek movie. Sylvia was cleaning most of the time, i was just in the room keeping her company. After that was all done, we got bored so we jumped in the car and just went for a ride.....nowhere in particular, we just got on 152 north and drove. We wound up just cruising around and listening to music, talking, looking at corn field after soybean field, after corn field  after soy bean field. Jeez, don't we grow anything else around here?? Nice little ride up through Pennsylvania and then back home.
Once we got home, we relaxed some more, and me being me, decided that i wanted/needed to go for a run. I felt that i needed to work off a not so good for me lunch, so i headed out for my usual 5K run. It was drizzling when i started but it escalated quickly to a steady  rain. Oh well, it was cooling anyway. I wound up running my best time yet. I averaged a 8:53 minute mile. Not too shabby for a 43 year old grandpa huh?

Tomorrow we start our recovery week of Insanity before tackling month 2. I am anxious to see what is in store for us in the upcoming weeks. In th eupcoming weeks I will be sprucing up the blog with tips, recipes and some other little tidbits of information that i have accumulated in this warped mind of mine. Stay tuned, i think its gunna get interesting...

I am excited that alot of my favorite shows are starting again soon, and one of my favorites is Dexter so here is what i will be doing when it comes back on.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 26 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit AND.....

Insanity Month 1 is Complete !

Well, with the conclusion of tonight's workout, we have successfully and thankfully completed month 1 of Insanity. After a month of this well named workout, i can honestly say that we are stronger, leaner, and we have so much more energy than we have ever had.

 I realize that we are only slightly less than half way done, but damn it feels good (to be a gansta ). Sorry, just a little Office Space humor. 

For anyone starting a workout routine, no matter what that workout is, this is something you need to take to heart.
There were many, many times during this first month that i wanted to just stop, to say forget about this workout, I will just workout harder tomorrow. But I didnt, ever. Not once. And neither did Sylvia. We both pushed ourselves and found the will power to push on, and we both learned how to dig a little deeper each time. We will be onto "recovery" week next week. However, i come to realize that when recovery is used in the name of a workout, it just means its a different kind of workout, not a rest.

Well everyone, I need to get some stuff done around this place so I will let you go for the night. But be sure to keep checking in as i am trying to keep you informed of our progress as entertainingly as i can. Have a great night everyone!

The Straight Dope: Is 30 Minutes of Exercise Better Than An Hour?

The Straight Dope: Is 30 Minutes of Exercise Better Than An Hour?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 25 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

No fair....we had to do this workout twice this week, and we have to do Plyo again too. Damnit.

The entire time i was doing this workout tonight, i kept telling myself ," this is the last time you have to do this workout, this is the last time you have to do this workout, ". But i have a feeling that i will be praying for this workout when month 2 starts. Sylvia and I have pressed play every day, and given it at least 100% each day. We have seen great improvements and from what everyone tells me, month 2 is where the magic happens. I plan on pushing myself to failure each and every workout. I have a goal & I will reach it !
Enough about Insanity for today.....

Today was simply an awesome day.First and foremost, it's my 43rd birthday. Second, my incredible girlfriend got me a present that i have wanted for a few years now, she got me a tandem skydive !!  That was the most amazing thing i have ever done. The most terrifying, but the most amazing thing at the same time.
After that was done we went and ate a Maryland staple, steamed crabs !! All in all i must say that it was an awesome birthday. Not a bad way to start my vacation. Well, technically my vacation started Thursday when work ended, but I got caught in a rain shower, on the Harley, on the ride home, so I'm not counting that. Thanks to everyone who reads these ramblings of a slightly warped mind. I appreciate it.

Until tomorrow, stay safe my friends, and peace out !

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 24 - Cardio Recovery

Welcome to day 24 of Insanity
With each workout we are getting stronger, getting quicker, getting leaner and loving life more ! Just 2 more days until month one is in the history books! It's hard to believe that this first month is almost gone already. I still remember the very first day, the dreaded fit test. We both did much better on our second fit test, so our third fit test should yield even more impressive results. For some reason Sylvia said she felt achy today, in her words " it hurt like hell, but I did it" That's my girl !

Today is done...tomorrow is coming. Tomorrows workout is gunna be a beast, Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs !!!  Bring it Shaun T, I aint skeared !

Tomorrow i get to cross something off of my bucket list. Its my 43rd birthday and Sylvia is getting me the best present ever !. SKYDIVING !!! Adrenalin junkie I am.

Have a great night everyone !

Day 23 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Ahoy Matey's .....welcome back to blogger. 

I cant believe that we made it through the last Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout that we have to do for Insanity last night. I cant say that I will miss it. Sorry, not my favorite workout. Neither of us thought we had the energy to get through this workout yesterday, but we both stuck it out, dug as deep as we could, waited for the endorphins to kick in and we did it ! We felt great towards the end of the routine, but it felt like it took forever to get to the stretches. I'm not sure why we just couldn't get in to it, but we did our absolute best. I guess everyone is entitled to an "off day" once in a while, huh? I have been really trying to do the moves with great form, and actually keep my core engaged throughout the moves. Wow, what a difference. When Shaun T tells you to lift your knees using your core, do it that way. It will feel odd at first, but when you start to feel your abs burn doing high knees, you"ll know you are doing it right ! My core feels amazing today. Ski Abs are another move that turns into a new beast when you do it pulling with your core, and not just moving your legs.

I do believe that for this upcoming month, we will both have to up our calorie intake, because we have both been getting hungry before bed time for the last week or so. Our metabolism must be in high gear now !! We have been following the nutrition guide religiously and now we will have to add a few hundred calories to our dinner and maybe to lunch as well. This nutrition plan is great. The menu choices are so friggin simple, that it almost seems too good to be true. But so far so good. I have maintained my weight for the first month, but i can see a definite change in muscle tone and definition. I just have to really work on this damn little spare tire that I still have I will have to dig even deeper, bring it like my life depends on it and go faster,faster faster.....( i hate it when Shaun T says that during the workout).

Anyway, I will stop boring you  this morning. I am looking forward to the upcoming months workouts ! The recovery week should be interesting as well. I will keep on blogging about our workouts, so please stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 22 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Welcome back to Leebeefitness's Insanity blog !
We pressed play, we dug as deep as we ever have and did this workout for the last time !! This is our final week of month one. We have 4 more days until month 1 is finito'! Then we have our wonderful rest day and then our recovery week. Somehow i don't think it will be much of a recovery....six days of the same workout. I cant wait. We are both seeing great results with Insanity. Shaun T is a monster, plain and simple.
he seems to be able to do power jumps effortlessly and endlessly
Well, i need to hop in the shower, get some dinner and relax a little bit...have a great evening people and keep pressing play, hard work pays off !

Day 21 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Welcome back to my little corner of the web ! I appreciate your patronage.

Well yesterday was the dreaded dual workout of month 1, Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs, back to back. I actually like doing this workout, but boy oh boy is it brutal. This is the one workout that makes Shaun T nervous. We video taped this workout, but i need to edit it down to a reasonable length so we don't bore you guys to death. I am really glad that i eat the way i should be eating, because you need some serious fuel in the tank to get through this workout. The warm up itself is bat shit crazy, and then you get a whole 30 seconds to grab some water, towel off and catch your breath until the actual insanity ensues......then it is non-stop go, go, go, go faster, go faster, go faster, dig deep, dig deeper, fall out, pray for death, take a short, short break, towel off, grab some blessed water and do it all again.....faster.....and non friggin stop.

As Shaun T asks himself the question "as a fitness professional, why do i do this to myself?"....then he answers himself, "cuz i wanna look good !! " Whenever i feel like throwing in the towel, i remember why i am doing this to (for) myself, and i pick up that towel, wipe the sweat off my face, and get back to it !
 If i stopped every time my brain told me to, i would still be on the couch eating like a pig......that little voice in your head that tells you that you cant do it, if a big fat liar. You are capable of so much more than you think. I am living proof of that.



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 20 - Rest Day

and welcome to another installment of  Insanity Daily.
Thanks for checking out my blog everyone, I really do appreciate it. So, today was our blessed day off from the insanity that is Insanity. This upcoming week is our last for Month 1. I really must say that this workout is devastatingly addictive. We both really love our day off but we cant wait until Monday! On our rest day we get the grocery shopping done for our meals for the week, and get all of our meals portioned out and ready for the lunch boxes.
 So i am sitting out on my deck, drinking my Captain Picard special tea, the geeks will get that and know what i am drinking (And no I don't mean Captain Morgan either), and trying to relax a little bit. I think i will get the heck off of here and go watch some tv with my honey.
We have a long week ahead.......have a great night everyone, and keep pressing play.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 19 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Insanity Plyometric Cardio....three words that bring a look of discomfort to my face. Honestly, look how far off the ground Shaun T is in the above picture. And that's more than likely not the first jump he is on doing that move, hell, its probably the last one in that jump like that for a minute straight then right to the next move for a minute and so on and so on. INSANE. Shaun T is a friggin machine. He is to Cardio routines what Tony Horton is to push ups or pull ups. I cannot express in word how impressive that man is, well honestly both of them. Well, i cant think of much more to say about this workout that i havent already said before, it's a butt kicker, just like all the rest of them. Have a great night everyone.

Day 18 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Welcome back, fellow Insaniacs.
I forgot to write this blog yesterday after we finished the workout, but we had to get the dog out for his trip around the  block, we had to get showered, eat dinner, and be ready to watch our Ravens play.

The more i do this workout the more i like it. I really try to push myself to make the moves powerful. If it doesn't challenge me, how is it going to change me, right? I have been seeing great improvements on Sylvia's part as well. She continues to amaze me. We are both seeing great results with Insanity already and we are less than 3 weeks into it. We can both do the warm up now with more energy and enthusiasm. I have really been concentrating on my form doing the moves and contracting my core as much as i can. I am actually kinda sad that we only get to do this workout one more time. Next week is our final week for month one. YAHOO !! Then we have a "recovery week". A solid 6 days of Core Cardio & Balance, I have no idea what that workout is, but I'm sure we will kick its ass......

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 17 - Cardio Recovery

If there was ever a day when i needed this workout it was today. Last night, as i do most Wednesday's, I go over to Kinetic Youth Academy, which my buddy, mentor, and long time friend Scott Morrison owns along with his wife Paula. I get to play around in the gym while he teaches the young-lings. Scott and I were on the gymnastics and diving team in high school oh so many years ago. To make a long story short, I had just got done doing Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs, so i was beat. I started bouncing on the trampoline and I don't know exactly how it happened, but i started to do a back flip, (which i have done thousands of time before), and my rotation stopped midway through. Not good. You know that moment when you know something is wrong, you cant stop, and it is gunna hurt? Yeah, i had that  moment. I landed on the back of my neck and folded over. I actually heard my neck cracking and muscles stretching too far. It was sickening, honestly it was. Sorry if that grossed anyone out. I knew i was hurt, and i thought it was really, really bad. I got my wits about me and sat up, already feeling the ache setting in. I have a flaky neck anyway, so i thought this is really gunna suck. Because once my neck gets whacked out, it takes a long time to get better. I ain't no spring chicken any more ya know? I get made fun of at work when my neck is stiff, because it looks funny when i have to move my head. My entire upper body has to turn when i need to look at something. To conclude (trying to make a long story short) I was in considerable pain and discomfort today and doing an Insanity workout wasnt going to help. However, the Cardio Recovery workout today actually helped, I think. Well I gotta go cuz Wipeout is on...Have a great night Insaniacs !

Day 16 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs at work I was puffing my chest out and boasting about how i was going to do Plyometric Cardio, Pure Cardio & then Cardio Abs when i got home tonight......(I hadn't looked at the schedule before i said that...) Little did I know that I should be careful what i wish for, because that's pretty much what i had to do when i did get home, minus the plyo circuit. Shew. This workout is brutal, i know i have said that before about this workout but I MEAN IT !!! You don't stop. Shaun T even drops out !  The people in the video are dropping left & right. Have you ever seen the infomercial for Insanity? They are showing this workout. Alright, by bitchin is outta the way now. The cardio abs workout is short and oh so sweet. 16 minutes of pure ab work, but not a single sit up or crunch. This time around i really concentrtated and kept my core engaged ( want to know what that feels like? just make yourself laugh and feel your abs contrtacted when you do)

I would say that 90 days of P90X, taking up running, eating right, and working out like a madman doing Insanity has paid off, whadda think? Those were my  favorite pair of old sweats that keep around as a reminder of what I was....

Day 15 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Welcome back Insaniacs !
I do believe this is the 4th time we have done this workout, and I am still not a big fan. But it is growing on me. We both do our best, which I will admit is getting noticeably better. I really like the feeling of knowing that i did  more than i did last time. We are both taking fewer breaks now, and the breaks we do take are very short, usually just to wipe the sweat off our heads. One thing i will say, if anyone out there has a thing for sweating, Insanity is for you.
This is what I feel like after every Insanity workout.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 14 - FIT TEST

Well, we have arrived at the Fit Test again !  I thought that we both did pretty well when we took it prior to beginning the Insanity workout, see our improved results from day 14 Fit Test !!!!

Here are our results from our first Fit Test and the latest results

Lee Fit Test

  • Switch Kicks -74 - 100
  • Power Jacks - 48 - 57
  • Power Knees - 55 - 74
  • Power Jumps - 36 -30
  • Globe Jumps - 5  - 10
  • Suicide Jumps - 14 - 16
  • Push Up Jacks - 25 - 30
  • Low Plank Oblique - 30 - 44
Sylvia Fit Test
  • Switch Kicks -82 - 102
  • Power Jacks - 28 - 30
  • Power Knees - 50 - 69
  • Power Jumps - 8 - 23
  • Globe Jumps - 4 - 7
  • Suicide Jumps - 7 -15
  • Push Up Jacks - 8 - 16
  • Low Plank Oblique - 34 - 45
We both saw some big improvements over our first Fit Test!  We are both digging deeper with every workout and we are getting stronger also! The results from the first 12 days says it all. We improved in every area ( except power jumps for me ) On three moves Sylvia doubled (or more) her results ! That's amazing for only 12 days.Our next fit test will be even better !! Stay tuned my friends

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 13 - The Once a Week Rest Day

Welcome back readers and fellow fitness junkies !
I've been racking my noodle all day to try and come up with something to type about, and while Sylvia was making up all 70 meals for the week, it hit me. Talk about that. Not Sylvia making the meals, but the meals themselves. There really is no mystery behind great nutrition. If I'm not mistaken, almost all Beachbody workouts come packed with a nutrition guide designed for that particular workout and your nutritional needs while doing that workout. Since we are doing Insanity, I thought I would give you a taste, pun intended, of what we will be eating this week.
The nutrition guide is broken down into "5  Meals". Each meal is roughly 300 calories, with options for a 400 and a 500 calories meal, depending on your weight gain or loss goals. Here is what we have chosen to eat this week, which is week 3 for us.

Meal 1 = "Cereal Bowl"
Simple enough, right?
1 cup high fiber ceral (like Kashi GoLean or HiLo)
1 Tbsp flaxseeds
2/3 cup skim, almond, rice or soy milk
1/2 banana, sliced

Meal 2 = "Yogurt Bowl"
Still pretty simple huh?
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt ( Greek is good)
1 apple sliced
2 Tbsp chopped walnuts
1 tsp honey

Meal 3 = Whole Wheat Pasta with Vegetables and Feta
Not very complicated here either !
3/4 cup whole wheat pasta
1 cup mixed vegetables, steamed (we just heat them up with the rest of the ingredients when we heat it up to eat it)
1/3 cup feta cheese crumbles
(I choose the 400 calorie option on this one by adding 2 to 3 oz of diced baked chicken breast)

Meal 4 = Insanity Nut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Is this simple enough for you yet?
1 slice whole grain bread
1 Tbsp all natural peanut butter or almond butter
1 Tbsp all fruit preserves OR 1/4 sliced banana (thank you, thank you very much)(get it?)
1/2 cup 1% milkfat cottage cheese

Meal 5 = Dinner Omelet
I mean really, most kids can whip this meal plan up !
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/4 cup feta cheese crumbles
1 cup baby spinach leaves
1 slice whole wheat bread or 1 whole grain English muffin

Now if you have done the math on this menu plan it works out to roughly 1600 calories. I am still shy roughly 1200 calories of what i should be eating, according to the formulas provided in the nutrition guide. According to the guide, i should be consuming 2852 calories a day just to maintain my weight, if i want to lose weight i need to subtract 500 calories, if i want to gain weight I need to add 250 to 300 calories daily. I am trying to lose just a little bit more stubborn belly fat (love handles) so i am decreasing my intake this week. However...I also have to figure in all the calories from my coffee, my creamer, my daily Shakeology with 50/50 almond coconut milk, my E&E pre-workout drink, my R&R post workout drink, the almonds i munch on all day long, and my favorite P90X Protein bar. S,o once i add in all of that i am pretty much right on the money. The first 2 weeks of this meal plan I was opting for the 500 calories meals, which after some recalculating, put me over my daily intake requirements. So i have backed down to the 300 calorie meals , except for one 400 calorie meal, to put me back where i should be.

It cannot be stressed enough, how important proper nutrition is to reaching your goals.There can be no skipping meals, no cheating with fast food, no rewarding yourself with garbage, nothing.... just stick to the plan. People a whole lot smarter than you and I came up with this meal plan for a reason.....IT WORKS!! Why would you want to sabotage all the hard work you have done to accomplish your goals but eating wrong??  I have been eating healthy since February of this year, and really eating healthy and correctly since June and wow, what a HUGE difference in all aspects of my health and well being. I have energy now to spare, even with working out like a mad man 6 days a week ! It has become habit, actually. I have just gotten into that mindset that I have to do this, no excuses. I quit drinking 17 years ago the same way (ok, a little judiciary persuasion helped ), i quit smoking 13 years ago the same way, and i gave up drinking sodas 12 years ago the exact same way. I knew it had to be done, those bad habits just were not an option for me anymore. Once you achieve that mindset, anything is possible. ANYTHING !

Sorry for the rant everyone, but i hope i made my point. I shall now plyo jump down off my soap box ! Have  a great night  everyone and remember.........

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 12 - Pure Hell, I mean Pure Cardio

Boromir is 100 % accurate on this one.'s day 12....Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs....I honestly don't know how to accurately describe this workout. The warm up alone is intensely brutal......then the torturous fun begins.....non-stop moving for 40 plus minutes....sweating, cussing, breathing, checking your heart rate, drinking water, jumping back in......after all of that mess, you get to the blessed stretching moves to cool think, ah, relief, we're play again on part 2..... yeah there's more to do.....20 minutes of Cardio Ab work to get through....Now i will say that i like this ab workout better than Ab Ripper X in P90X. You do not do a single sit up or crunch in this ab workout, but man do your abs get one helluva workout. I am really gunna feel this tomorrow.

Sylvia and I stood out in the sun and heat today volunteering at The Maryland State BBQ Bash, so we didn't eat the way we should have. We ate breakfast and mid snack according to the meal plan, but we didn't drink enough water, and we missed our scheduled lunch (we did get a free sandwich for helping out) and we both had a Pulled BBQ chicken sandwich and wow was it good. Thank you Hess's BBQ !
It's tough to dig deep when you are not fueled properly. If it wasn't for my pre-workout E&E i don't know if i would have made it through.

Well tomorrow is our designated 'rest' day so i will find something more fun and interesting to post than my usual banter, so please stop by tomorrow and see what madness has overtaken me.....

Day 11 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Welcome back !
So last night we conquered Cardio Power and Resistance again. This is another workout that I love to hate. We both pushed through it and kept digging as deep as we could. There are so many points during this workout that my legs just wont move anymore, and the sweat was literally running off my body. But now I know that limit, and next time i will crush it. I love the feeling of doing more than i ever thought i could, then doing a little bit more. Only in failure can you learn your limits. Thats when the change happens. I must have pushed a limit or two last night because i actually have sore abs this morning. Which actually kinda sucks because tonight we have to do the dreaded Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs. Stay tough everyone, and remember the following

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 10 - Cardio Recovery.

Welcome back to my little page on the web. I appreciate you stopping by. So, yesterday was day 10 of Insanity (actually day 11 if you count the fit test). On the menu yesterday was 40+ minutes of  a special kind of hell. The name is absolutely correct, it is 'cardio recovery' in that there is no sprinting, no power jacks, no suicides, no level 2 drills, no switch kicks, and no high intensity anything. Sounds nice right? Not. It is a different kind of hell, or at least it is for me.(currently) See that guy in the picture? That was me yesterday.

The problem.
The problem.
The problem.
The push problem.

However, when you make me hold that low squat for a minute, then do 16 pulse ups, then hold it again or have me do a lunge for it a minute, then do 16 pulse ups and hold it again, then switch legs and do it again.....there is a problem. My quads literally felt like they were about to burst into flames ! I wanted to pour my water on them, more than once.
Okay, now that I have that little bit of whining and complaining out of the way, I will confess that I do actually enjoy this workout. And that is a good thing, because in 3 weeks, I have an entire week of it.....recovery week ! I know that I will get stronger with each workout and that my quads will not burn as bad, but I know my quads will still burn and I hate the fact that I love that feeling !

Oh, then when that hell was over, i went for a 2 mile run.........insane.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 9 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

Welcome back loyal viewer(s). Sylvia and I just got done the Plyometric Cardio Circuit, again, and we have gotten better at it. We have gotten stronger since we started, that much is clear. I have noticed that my core is always tight now, and my form is better on most of the moves. We can both make it through the warm up now, which in and of  itself is impressive.  The 2 little turbo fans i bought are worth their weight in gold !! We are only nine days into Insanity and we are seeing and feeling results already. I love the feeling i get when i am just dripping sweat. It makes me feel like i am doing something that is working or something like that. Tonight's blog is apparently a jumble of random thoughts. We have been following the Nutrition guide and i must say that everything so far has been pretty good. Minus of course the whole wheat hot cereal i bought and the cottage cheese, but that is just my personal taste,  you may love it. The dinner omelet is quite tasty and the cold cut platter is one of my favorites. I am eating so much food daily it isn't even funny. Well, i can t think of too much more to say that will be entertaining, so i will let you go and do whatever it is you like to do. Ta ta for now. Be sure to check back tomorrow for day 10 !
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 8 - Pure Cardio

Welcome back fitness junkies ! 
Well, I am pleased to say that we both sweated and pushed our way through Pure Cardio again.
If anyone has ever done this workout before, you know just how intense it is. When the leader of the pack, Shaun T, prior to doing the workout says that he is a little nervous about this workout, you know its going to be nuts !! Some where into the workout, he even says " Shaun T is tired !" I love how he refers to himself in the 3rd person all the time. At one point he is even laying on the ground, gasping for air and he says, "this is friggin bananas !"  I can't begin to express how intense this particular workout is, so i wont even try.
Click this link to see for yourself.

Nuff said.

Well, we have 6 more days until we retake the fit test. We did pretty good when we took it prior to beginning this insane workout. That should have been our day 1, but I started counting the day after. Here are our results.

Lee Fit Test

  • Switch Kicks -74
  • Power Jacks - 48
  • Power Knees - 55
  • Power Jumps - 36
  • Globe Jumps - 5 
  • Suicide Jumps - 14
  • Push Up Jacks - 25
  • Low Plank Oblique - 30
Sylvia Fit Test
  • Switch Kicks -82
  • Power Jacks - 28
  • Power Knees - 50
  • Power Jumps - 8
  • Globe Jumps - 4 
  • Suicide Jumps - 7
  • Push Up Jacks - 8
  • Low Plank Oblique - 34
We should both see some big improvements when we do it again. We are both digging deeper with every workout. Working out together is very motivating and enjoyable. I am going to sign off for this evening and go relax with my better half. Have a great evening everyone.

Day 7- Cardio Power & Resistance.

Welcome to Day 7 of the Insanity !! We brought it to this workout ! I did have to purchase 2 mini turbo fans for us while we do our workouts. The ceiling fan, even on high speed didn't even feel like it was doing anything. I really dig the new fans. Now all that sweat can do what it is supposed to do, cool us off. And sweat we do. By the bucket. The dog has finally learned to stay out of the workout room and stay in the other room while we are moving and grooving. I set a goal for myself yesterday and I reached it. My goal was to make it through the entire warm up without stopping once, and I did it ! It wasn't easy, i had to dig deep and keep pushing, but I did it. Now if i could just make it through the actual workout without stopping, that would be a feat ! We are both doing amazing with Insanity. We look forward to our workouts every night. I find that the workouts are awesomely challenging (but not impossible), Shaun T is inspiring, (to me anyway), and to actually see the people in the workout video collapsing just makes it all so real. We see how they are doing with it and we compare how we are doing with it and conclude that we are KICKING ASS ! I am very proud of the both of us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 6 Insanity Rest Day....not really

Welcome back everyone ! Thanks for stopping by again (hopefully)
Today was our scheduled rest day on the Insanity schedule. Shew, we are glad for a day of rest This workout truly lives up to its name. But you know what? We look forward to it everyday. Guess that just means we are nuts, huh?
We are very happy that the rest day falls on Sunday. It will allow us to prep all of our food for the upcoming week. Our refrigerator and cabinets are packed with premade bags and containers for all 70 meals we need to eat this upcoming week. (5 meals a day time 2 people for 7 days) We have been using the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide and we have to say that it is pretty straight forward. No bizarre ingredients, no fancy cooking techniques, just regular food. Really good for you, fuel you are going to need for the workouts, kind of food. The only food i was not too happy about having to eat was cottage cheese. I have never ever never ever liked that stuff. But.....i muscled though a week of eating a cup a day with a chopped apple in it and it wasn't too bad, or i guess i got used to it. Sylvia loves cottage cheese, so it wasn't bad to her. She didn't care for the Greek yogurt though. It was plain Greek yogurt, but the recipe called for adding raisins and chopped walnuts. I really enjoyed it. The 5 meals we choose for week one, will be replaced by other choices for week two. Except that we are going to continue to do the cold cereal bowl for breakfast and the dinner omelet for , well dinner. They are both very easy to prepare, filling and tasty !!
Who would have thought (most of my friends and family will attest to this), that a candy junkie, cupcake baking, cookie creating, pizza loving, ice cream-aholic like myself would have ever given up all that for a healthy lifestyle?? Not me. But for all the benefits i have seen from eating healthy these last 8 months, i will never go back to eating like that again. Sure, i treat myself every once in a while, but very rarely. And my favorite 'treat' right now is green apple sorbet. I can remember, not so long ago, i would 'treat myself several times a week to a pint of Haagen Dasz Vanilla ice cream a night.( over 1160 calories a pint, and 640 calories were fat!)
Well, I believe i have bored you enough for one night. Please check me out on facebook (teamleebee) for all my progress, pictures, etc.
Have a great day or night. And try to do something scary that doesn't kill you....that's a Tony-ism

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 5 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (again)

Well, today brought us back to the dreaded Plyometric Cardio Circuit........ugggg. This is pretty much what we look like after "the warm up". ( this warm up is no joke, its brutal) It's Day 1 all over again. I am very happy to say that we both did much better today and we both did more than we did on day 1. Progress is a great motivator. I also find it quite enjoyable to workout with my better half. We egg each other on, and high five each other at each water break. We try to motivate each other to do one more rep, move a little faster, and just dig a little deeper. Tomorrow is our rest day, but I am sure we will do something besides rest. Might go for a evening run if the weather cooperates. Anyway, from here on out, we will be repeating the last weeks routine and hopefully getting stronger and faster. Stay tuned for all the sweaty details(more embarrassing pictures and hopefully a video or two)..... because with Insanity, there will be SWEAT !!!

Day 4 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Let me try to describe last nights workout. How can i put this?, I will use Shaun T's actual words during the work out...." this shit is bananas". That pretty much sums up this workout. The name is right on the money, PURE CARDIO. The warm up alone is bonkers, and then it gets much more intense from there. Several times during the workout, Neither of us could even lift my legs, much less keep up with the workout. But we caught our breath, wiped the sweat off our dripping faces, dug deeper and kept on moving. You know its a tough workout when during the workout, Shaun T is at a loss for words and says, " I'm so tired, I cant remember the names of my moves". Now that is intense. Sylvia and I did our best and kept moving, and just when we thought it was over, wait......there's still Cardio Abs to do.
Cardio Abs is an awesomely painful, sweat inducing, praying for it to be over, ab workout. It wouldn't have been that bad to do this workout by itself, but when you put it after Pure Cardio, it turns into another beast entirely. And there was not a single situp or crunch in the entire workout. My core was on fire when we got done. And it is not real happy with me today. It's funny how very simple moves, when done over and over again, become this intense.  The six pack is looking good, and it will only get better. 56 days to go.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 3 Insanity-Cardio Recovery

Hey everyone ! Well, today's workout was actually a well earned break. This was the workout that we did at Super Saturday in Phillie. I seem to remember it being a lot harder then than it was tonight. I guess I have gotten stronger, huh? Sylvia did awesome, again. All the squats and lunges she did while doing Les Mills Pump really helped her with this workout.  I really enjoy working out together. Well, not too much to say tonight. I hope everyone enjoys their evening. And tomorrow, do something awesome.

Day 2 Insanity

Wow......last nights workout was intense. Cardio Power & Resistance was what Shaun T named it. I have a different name for it, but i wont say it on here. Last night was the most intense workout i have done that i can remember and I loved every sweat soaked, heart racing moment of it. And yes there was sweat, by the bucket loads ! I feel great this morning and i am actually looking forward to the workout tonight.  I can feel it working already ! My muscles are aching and tight, the arches of me feet are even complaining, so i am, what i like to refer to as, wonderfully sore. I love this feeling. The feeling of accomplishment, self pride and just knowing that i am transforming myself is nothing short of amazing.
I'm pretty sure this is what I looked like last night. (times 10)
Sweat is Fat Crying