Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 27 - Rest Day

Well hello there blog reader. How was your Sunday?  Mine was supposed to be a nice enjoyable day with both my girls and all 4 of my grand kids, but mother nature had plans of her own. We called it off and we will reschedule it for next weekend maybe. So today was spent lazily doing as little as possible. Let's see, i watched Flash Gordon, Superman II, and the newest Star Trek movie. Sylvia was cleaning most of the time, i was just in the room keeping her company. After that was all done, we got bored so we jumped in the car and just went for a ride.....nowhere in particular, we just got on 152 north and drove. We wound up just cruising around and listening to music, talking, looking at corn field after soybean field, after corn field  after soy bean field. Jeez, don't we grow anything else around here?? Nice little ride up through Pennsylvania and then back home.
Once we got home, we relaxed some more, and me being me, decided that i wanted/needed to go for a run. I felt that i needed to work off a not so good for me lunch, so i headed out for my usual 5K run. It was drizzling when i started but it escalated quickly to a steady  rain. Oh well, it was cooling anyway. I wound up running my best time yet. I averaged a 8:53 minute mile. Not too shabby for a 43 year old grandpa huh?

Tomorrow we start our recovery week of Insanity before tackling month 2. I am anxious to see what is in store for us in the upcoming weeks. In th eupcoming weeks I will be sprucing up the blog with tips, recipes and some other little tidbits of information that i have accumulated in this warped mind of mine. Stay tuned, i think its gunna get interesting...

I am excited that alot of my favorite shows are starting again soon, and one of my favorites is Dexter so here is what i will be doing when it comes back on.

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