Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 20 - Rest Day

and welcome to another installment of  Insanity Daily.
Thanks for checking out my blog everyone, I really do appreciate it. So, today was our blessed day off from the insanity that is Insanity. This upcoming week is our last for Month 1. I really must say that this workout is devastatingly addictive. We both really love our day off but we cant wait until Monday! On our rest day we get the grocery shopping done for our meals for the week, and get all of our meals portioned out and ready for the lunch boxes.
 So i am sitting out on my deck, drinking my Captain Picard special tea, the geeks will get that and know what i am drinking (And no I don't mean Captain Morgan either), and trying to relax a little bit. I think i will get the heck off of here and go watch some tv with my honey.
We have a long week ahead.......have a great night everyone, and keep pressing play.

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