Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 17 - Cardio Recovery

If there was ever a day when i needed this workout it was today. Last night, as i do most Wednesday's, I go over to Kinetic Youth Academy, which my buddy, mentor, and long time friend Scott Morrison owns along with his wife Paula. I get to play around in the gym while he teaches the young-lings. Scott and I were on the gymnastics and diving team in high school oh so many years ago. To make a long story short, I had just got done doing Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs, so i was beat. I started bouncing on the trampoline and I don't know exactly how it happened, but i started to do a back flip, (which i have done thousands of time before), and my rotation stopped midway through. Not good. You know that moment when you know something is wrong, you cant stop, and it is gunna hurt? Yeah, i had that  moment. I landed on the back of my neck and folded over. I actually heard my neck cracking and muscles stretching too far. It was sickening, honestly it was. Sorry if that grossed anyone out. I knew i was hurt, and i thought it was really, really bad. I got my wits about me and sat up, already feeling the ache setting in. I have a flaky neck anyway, so i thought this is really gunna suck. Because once my neck gets whacked out, it takes a long time to get better. I ain't no spring chicken any more ya know? I get made fun of at work when my neck is stiff, because it looks funny when i have to move my head. My entire upper body has to turn when i need to look at something. To conclude (trying to make a long story short) I was in considerable pain and discomfort today and doing an Insanity workout wasnt going to help. However, the Cardio Recovery workout today actually helped, I think. Well I gotta go cuz Wipeout is on...Have a great night Insaniacs !

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