Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 4 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Let me try to describe last nights workout. How can i put this?, I will use Shaun T's actual words during the work out...." this shit is bananas". That pretty much sums up this workout. The name is right on the money, PURE CARDIO. The warm up alone is bonkers, and then it gets much more intense from there. Several times during the workout, Neither of us could even lift my legs, much less keep up with the workout. But we caught our breath, wiped the sweat off our dripping faces, dug deeper and kept on moving. You know its a tough workout when during the workout, Shaun T is at a loss for words and says, " I'm so tired, I cant remember the names of my moves". Now that is intense. Sylvia and I did our best and kept moving, and just when we thought it was over, wait......there's still Cardio Abs to do.
Cardio Abs is an awesomely painful, sweat inducing, praying for it to be over, ab workout. It wouldn't have been that bad to do this workout by itself, but when you put it after Pure Cardio, it turns into another beast entirely. And there was not a single situp or crunch in the entire workout. My core was on fire when we got done. And it is not real happy with me today. It's funny how very simple moves, when done over and over again, become this intense.  The six pack is looking good, and it will only get better. 56 days to go.

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