Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 10 - Cardio Recovery.

Welcome back to my little page on the web. I appreciate you stopping by. So, yesterday was day 10 of Insanity (actually day 11 if you count the fit test). On the menu yesterday was 40+ minutes of  a special kind of hell. The name is absolutely correct, it is 'cardio recovery' in that there is no sprinting, no power jacks, no suicides, no level 2 drills, no switch kicks, and no high intensity anything. Sounds nice right? Not. It is a different kind of hell, or at least it is for me.(currently) See that guy in the picture? That was me yesterday.

The problem.
The problem.
The problem.
The push problem.

However, when you make me hold that low squat for a minute, then do 16 pulse ups, then hold it again or have me do a lunge for it a minute, then do 16 pulse ups and hold it again, then switch legs and do it again.....there is a problem. My quads literally felt like they were about to burst into flames ! I wanted to pour my water on them, more than once.
Okay, now that I have that little bit of whining and complaining out of the way, I will confess that I do actually enjoy this workout. And that is a good thing, because in 3 weeks, I have an entire week of it.....recovery week ! I know that I will get stronger with each workout and that my quads will not burn as bad, but I know my quads will still burn and I hate the fact that I love that feeling !

Oh, then when that hell was over, i went for a 2 mile run.........insane.

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